
Chengicherla – A Fast-Developing Neighborhood

SKD Krishe Pearl is located in Chengicherla. Chengicherla is a fast-growing residential location...

All SKD ventures are sustainability oriented

According to recent studies, over a third of the greenhouse gas emissions of the world are attributed to building and construction work.

What’s Inside Krishe Pearl?

Picture this: a tranquil sanctuary where sophistication meets convenience, where every corner whisper tales of elegance and grandiose.

Unlock the door to your dream home

Finding your dream home could be a process much overwhelming than you imagined. It’s more than just scrolling through...

Factors That Help Determine Property Value

Property Value sounds like a key jargon when it comes to real estate. Although determining the value of a property...

DO’s and Don’ts: When buying a house.

It’s undeniable. Buying a house is an important milestone, be it for a first-timer or for the one who’s on the hunt for that perfect home...

The importance of a good Credit Score for mortgages

Planning the finances when buying your dream home is the crucial first step in the process of making it a reality. But what many of us struggle with, is getting it right...

Real estate and retirement: Making smart investment choices for your golden leisure years

Imagine waking up, not to an alarm, but to the soft sound of birds on your balcony, overlooking a beautiful green expanse, brewing coffee in your own kitchen...

Best time of the year to buy a house

Thinking of investing in real estate but feeling overwhelmed with the unanswered questions in your mind? Here are a few easy pointers to get started...